Thursday, June 29, 2006

Safe Driving is For Others Eyes Only..

One of the useless "inventions" I came across recently is the Navman car navigation system that takes pictures. I have nothing against this feature in the GPS system but I think it is absolutely fringe feature and unnecesary. Instead consider the following 3 technologies that can save lives and prevent damage.
1. An indicator outside your car that lights up if the car is in motion and the driver or passenger is not wearing a seat belt (this feature alone can potentially prevent over 5000 deaths and 100,000 injuries annually)
2. An indicator outside your car that warns if the car reeks of alcohol
3. A system that links to your license number and validates if your license and insurance is current before letting you drive

The technology to do this may be available but you don't see them in cars. Why?. Because you will not buy them if they had this. Instead, they give you the capability to take pretty pictures and match it against addresses.. Big Deal!

However, all is not lost. It is encouraging to see some use of technology that helps safe driving on the roads today:
1. Speed limit signs which doubles up as "Your Speed" sensors. Pretty cool. Everyone slows down to match their speed with the limit.
2. Traffic light photo system - takes your picture if you are running a red light or if you don't "Stop" and go. Again, you can bet I will follow the law here.

I admit that the 3 ideas I suggested earlier have some drawbacks which needs to be fixed before they are introduced. Before we get into that, think about what drives good public behavior. There are 2 key reasons why people behave well in public.
1. Major consequence. Ex: Hefty mandated penalty if you are caught
2. Disreputation. Ex:If others see you doing the wrong thing

"Your Speed" limit signs and traffic light photo system plays on both these aspects. Particularly, now others can see your speed limit.

So, the ideas I talked about handles #2. The warning is outside the car - and others can see that you are not wearing seat belt. However what we need is #1 - the use of this technology in cars should be mandated by law. Otherwise there is no incentive for manufacturers to introduce them and no buyer in his sane mind will buy a car with this self-censuring feature.

Any ideas?

Monday, June 26, 2006

Guilty diversification

Its an incredible trend these days that companies find a niche against themselves. McDonalds started with their "salad and water" substitution to "Big Mac and Coke" menu. Recently on June 19th, Nestle announced that it will buy weight loss outfit Jenny Craig. This trend is not new. For a while now, Coke and Pepsi has been diversifying into healthy products such as bottled water and juices to balance their carbonated portfolio. Nestle owns Lean Cusine.

Recently in May 2006 Bill Clinton brokered an agreement with US beverage industry that they not sell non-diet drinks in schools. There is a similar commitment by beverage industry in Europe.

Did these corporations suddenly turn altruistic?. Or is it pangs of guilt?. The real answer is plain old profits. These products, under the garb of being socially responsible, carry more margins than their traditional fizzy offerings. This thought provoking article explains how and even goes deeper to examine the ecological and social costs as well. A 20 oz. bottled water costs $1 which is $6.40 a gallon!. If you think it should actually be retailing for few cents and infact should cost practically nothing coming out of your taps. And by the way, everytime you eat Nestle chocolates, think about how your money is going towards researching engineered foods

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